A strategic workforce planning platform

We are Skillsvista

We strengthen your internal recruitment process and support you to put the right person, in the right role, with the right skillset to drive business growth saving you TIME, EFFORT & MONEY.

Skillsvista is your #1 tool for maximising your talent.

What do we do?

Our Approach

Our Innovative Approach

Skillsvista is a B2B strategic workforce platform which enables businesses to match critical skill needs and roles with existing employees or external applicants.

We have created a skills platform so you can maximise your talent at all levels of your business. We connect what an organisation NEEDS with what employees WANT.

Step 1


Use our skills framework to convert Company jobs to skills profiles.

Step 2


Employees create skills profiles.

Step 3


The system compares Company skills V employee skills.

Step 4


The system creates Company, Dept and individual Training Plans.

Step 5


Training Provider or Management Consultant.

Our Differentiator

The platform identifies the essential and optional skill requirements for thousands of roles with each one preloaded with essential and optional skills. Skillsvista also provides upskilling plans for employees and managers to bridge their skills gaps and drive business growth in a cost effective, efficient, and targeted manner

Our skills framework means that you can create roles, advertise jobs, review succession plans, create OKR’s and look at performance management in seconds.

In 5 simple steps you can maximise your talent at all level and ensure you have succession planning in place for critical roles.

Company Skills Profile

Company Skills Profile

User our skills platform to advertise your role.


  • You advertise your job in minutes and immediately see the employees that could fill the role.

  • Employee can see how they can bridge skills gap for their dream job within the business (supports retention of employees).

  • Advertise the job in 6-12 months time so that employees can upskill and compete for the role.

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Posting a Job Internally

Advertise your role internally so that people can see career paths within your business.

Let us support you put the right person in the right role with the right skillset.

Advertise the job in 6-12 months time so that employees can upskill and compete for the role (strengthen your internal recruitment process).

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Training Needs Analysis

Due to our skills profiling you can see the skills gap in seconds for employees, departments and the business.

Use our skills coach functionality to conduct the training in house.

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Use your skills profile to search what employees have the skills to support objectives/project.

Track and monitor objectives with our progress bar.

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Succession Planning

Open any role in your business and immediately see if you have someone with the skills to fill that role. De-risk key hires getting promoted and leaving a skills gap in your business.

If you do not have someone with the skills, you will have to either upskill someone with the closest match or hire someone externally but at least you will know before it becomes a big issue for your business.

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Pricing Plans

Choose the option that suits you the best


monthly per user

Company size <250

  • See succession planning
  • Strengthen your Internal Recruitment
  • See training needs analysis
  • Use OKR’s to track progress on projects
  • Performance Management
  • Decision making
Join this plan


monthly per user

Company size 250-1000

  • See succession planning
  • Strengthen your Internal Recruitment
  • See training needs analysis
  • Use OKR’s to track progress on projects
  • Performance Management
  • Decision making
Join this plan

Contact us

monthly per user

Company size >1000

  • See succession planning
  • Strengthen your Internal Recruitment
  • See training needs analysis
  • Use OKR’s to track progress on projects
  • Performance Management
  • Decision making
Join this plan

Meet The Team

Something can go here about how awesome your team is so people know how great they are.

Jason Culloty


Shrenik Doshi

Head of Product Development

Darragh Lucey

Product Marketing Advisor

Nathan Mayes

Business Growth Advisor

Kamil Mahajan

Chief Security Officer