Student Support

Your Skillsvista Fit!

We match you with your best-fit college courses through scientific analysis of your Academics, Personality and Interests.

How it all works

1. Information Hub

Complete your profile (personality and Career Fit tests).

2. Course Recommendation

Compare your profile against college courses and see which courses suit best.

3. Shortlist

Choose your favourite Courses.

How is my Course Fit calculated?

1. Data Analytics

We analyse your skills profile and compare it to jobs that have similar skills so that you can see the other type of roles that you can fill. This increases your opportunity to find rewarding employment.

2. Personality Types

We use the renowned Holland Occupational Themes methodology to determine your personality type. This allows us to find what jobs and career areas you would be best suited to.

3. Career Interests

Our Career Interest test deciphers your suitability and interest in a broad range of career sectors. Where you could see yourself working in the future is an integral part of choosing the right job.

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